
,2023年5月30日—Automaticallycreateaworkofartwiththelookofhandchiseledoutlinesandbrushedoncolor,fullyadjustablewithsimplesliders.•Adjust ...,TheMokuHangaapp,MokutheJapanesewordfor“wood”whilehangaisknownas“print”,allowsyoutocreateanartisticwood-blockprintfromanypictureor ...,2024年4月25日—MokuHangaisanappdevelopedbyJixiPixSoftware.TheapphasbeenavailablesinceApril2012.It'scurrentlynotinthetoprank...

Moku Hanga

2023年5月30日 — Automatically create a work of art with the look of hand chiseled outlines and brushed on color, fully adjustable with simple sliders. • Adjust ...

Moku Hanga APK (Android App)

The Moku Hanga app, Moku the Japanese word for “wood” while hanga is known as “print”, allows you to create an artistic wood-block print from any picture or ...

Moku Hanga for iPhone

2024年4月25日 — Moku Hanga is an app developed by JixiPix Software. The app has been available since April 2012. It's currently not in the top ranks. It's rated ...

Moku Hanga Info Android

You've discovered the fascinating art of Moku Hanga, the Japanese method of wood-block printing. Breathtaking landscapes, beautiful women, ...

Moku Hanga on the App Store

The Moku Hanga app, Moku the Japanese word for “wood” while hanga is known as “print”, allows you to create an artistic wood-block print from any picture or ...

Moku Hanga

You've discovered the fascinating art of Moku Hanga, the Japanese method of wood-block printing. Breathtaking landscapes, beautiful women, ...

Moku Hanga

2012年8月23日 — This app does an excellent job of emulating traditional Japanese woodblock printing. Moku Hanga is actually Japanese for woodblock. JixiPix also ...

Moku Hanga—Japanese Wood Block Printing Effect

The Moku Hanga app, Moku the Japanese word for 'wood' and hanga known as 'print', allows you to create an artistic wood-block print from any picture or snapshot ...

在App Store 上的「Moku Hanga」

Moku Hanga Features: ... Automatically create a work of art with the look of hand chiseled outlines and brushed on color, fully adjustable with simple sliders. • ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
